How to sell a house with Negative Equity
short sale and negative equity on your house
short sale and negative equity on your house
There are many factors that can determine how much a house is worth. Is the home in a good neighborhood? Does the home require lots of repairs? What does the landscaping look like? What does the home itself look like? When a potential buyer sees a photograph online, that first impression can be very important.…
Sell Your Damaged House Now. Fast Cash. As IS. Fire, storms, hurricane, all damages.
Going the usual route for selling your home takes a lot of time – time that you don’t want to spend. Why not sell the house for cash?
When it comes to selling a house after a divorce agreement, your best bet is to get it done as soon as possible. Why? For starters, you probably won’t be willing to deal with the added stress. Divorces can be lengthy, drawn-out affairs, filled with emotional upheaval. Now, selling the family home does come with…
Three weeks. That’s how long it takes to sell a home these days, according to the National Association of Realtors. Five years ago, the median number of days on market was 11 weeks. Low housing supply has pushed up home prices and created multiple offer situations and bidding wars throughout the country. “The inventory shortage…
5 Advantages of Selling My Home AS IS in South Florida
When you and your siblings inherit the home but do not share the opinion of selling real estate in probate
Get cash today for a probate home. Probate is the court supervised process of transferring property at death pursuant to the terms of the will. This is official definition of probate. In simple terms probate is settling an estate and selling property after someone has died. As a real estate investors, we have bought many…
Is the bank trying to take your home through foreclosure? Don’t let them ask for the keys to your home. Stop foreclosure by selling your home or house fast to us. We buy homes in foreclosure from people just like you. Don’t procrastinate or the bank will ask for the keys to your home without…